Planning Your Skincare – The Smart Way to Pack

Days, weeks and months of maintaining a skincare routine need not be compromised just because you're not at home.
Not wanting to skip a step, I would make sure my products came with me. All of them!
There were times when I wouldn’t even consider what skincare products, I’d take with me when travelling. I’d need them all right? Those were the days when I didn’t mind sending my luggage into the hold. When I started going on short haul trips, I soon put an end to that. Waiting for luggage seemed such a waste of the precious hours I had in a few days.
I started taking my products in my carryon for these short trips. Smart. So, I thought. Again, with no planning of what skincare to take. The trauma of having them confiscated and binned at the security gate was more painful than childbirth – am I being too dramatic?! Lesson quickly learnt.
My next trip saw more thought and preparation being given to the items I took. At first, I started to use single use minis but that was not an uneconomical aka as expensive alternative. The plastic wastage which didn’t sit well with me either.
Once I started putting a bit more thought in the items I took, my staple skincare items for a typical two night/three-day trip looked like this:
Cleansing Balm (day)
Hydrator (day)
BHA (day)
Serum (day)
SPF (day)
Retinol (non-acid night)
If you’re even smarter and your trip is short, you may not even need to take a retinol as you’d be back in time for the next application.
Travelling with The Karry was a game-changer as they say. More room in my carryon (essential for the obligatory shopping purchases). A lighter carryon (until I packed said purchases) and I could breeze through security and gates blowing raspberries at the lovely security safe in the knowledge my skincare products wouldn’t be confiscated. Now, to be honest, I really don't go without my The Karry and so looking forward to taking it on my next stay away.
The skincare I decant in my The Karry:
SPF 5g glass jar karryable
Cleanser 10g glass jar karryable
Hydrator Clear 5ml bottle karryable
BHA Clear 5ml bottle karryable
Serum Amber 5ml bottle karryable
Retinol Blue 5ml bottle karryable
The brands are:
SPF Fenty Skin
Cleanser Clinique Take The Day Off
Hydrator Hado Labo Super Hydrator
BHA Paula’s Choice
Serum The Ordinary Virgin Marula Oil
Retinol Sunday Riley Luna
Happy packing!
Planning is the everything, plans are worthless – D Eisenhower et al
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